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Finland, Lammi - Sesshin with Timo Teräväinen

Sesshin is a retreat in Zen tradition. The main activity (or non-activity) during a sesshin is zazen, zen meditation. Other activities include dokusan and dharma talks, silent meals and rest periods.

This sesshin begins on Thursday evening 25.4. with an info meeting. It’s good to arrive latest at 5pm on Thursday. Or earlier, if you want to help with organizing. Sesshin ends on Sunday 28.4. with a lunch at about 1pm. After that we will clean up and organize the place before leaving.

There will be silence during the sesshin. This includes not communicating with talking or gestures. Eye contact is to be avoided. If something needs to be communicated, there is the jikido and teacher for that. Work periods, which are about an hour a day, are also as silent as possible, and work instructions are in written form. The food is vegetarian food.

During a sesshin the use of a cell phone or other means of electronic communication are not allowed.

Full-time participation is recommended, but it’s also possible to participate part-time. The fee for the full sesshin is 125€/142€ (OMZ Members/non-members)

The registration can be found here

If you have any questions about the sesshin, please get in touch with Timo:
timo.teravainen at gmail dot com

Example from last year’s schedule. Small changes are possible this year.

06:00 Wake up
06:30 Zazen 2x30 min
07:40 Break
8:00 Breakfast
09:00 Work period
10:00 Break
10:15 Zazen 2x30min and Dharma talk
12:00 Break
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Dogen's Way (zazen)
16:00 Resitation
16:20 Yoga / Qigong
16:50 Break
17:30 Dinner
19:00 Zazen 2x30
20:30 Light evening snack
21:00 Sauna (Fri & Sat)