Data Privacy Notice (GDPR)

Data privacy notice based on the Finnish Data Protection Act and GDPR has been approved in the Ordinary Mind Zendo Finland’s board meeting 10th February 2021 to be published on the association’s web page.

The Name of Register

Ordinary Mind Zendo Finland Membership Register

2. The Controller

Ordinary Mind Zendo Finland (Tavallinen mieli zendo ry)

Address: Ordinary Mind Zendo Finland/Membership register, Kataloistentie 683, 16900 Lammi, Finland

3. Contact Person for Membership Register

Lauri Sintonen (Treasurer)

Address: Ordinary Mind Zendo Finland/Membership register, Kataloistentie 683, 16900 Lammi, Finland


4. The Purpose of Processing Personal Data and the Purpose of Membership Register

The purpose of the membership register is to collect personal data required by The Finnish Association Law (503/1989) and other information needed for the association’s activities.

Contact and membership information are processed to administer membership records, to inform the members of the association of news, events and activities and to manage finances. This information may be compiled into statistics, from which it is not possible to identify an individual member.

The legal basis for the collection of personal data is the legitimate interest of the data controller in accordance with the requirements of the Associations Act.

Personal data is processed by Excel or GoogleDocs form. Furthermore, personal data is processed by the association's web page in relation to membership and when organizing events. (link 1 Form Privacy)

5. The Data Content of the Membership Register

Full name and address are processed as obligatory information needed by the Association Law. In addition, the following information is collected:

  • Members’ contact information, phone number and e-mail address

  • Membership information (the type and beginning of membership)

  • Membership fee information (billing and payments)

  • Participation fees (billing and payments)

6. Register’s Data Source

The information to be entered in the member register is obtained by the member's own notification or by the applicant's notification via the membership application form. Register information is not collected from other sources or registers.

7. Regular Disclosures

The association does not share information with its partners or other third parties. 

8. Disclosure and transfer of data outside the EU or the European Economic Area (EEA)

The information stored in the register is not regularly disclosed outside the association, nor outside the EU or the European Economic Area (EEA).

9. The Guidelines of Data Protection in Processing Register

Personal data will be kept confidential. Information to be kept on paper will be stored in a locked room, which can only be accessed by appropriate persons.

The electronic member register is located in a managed server center on a server protected by usernames and passwords.

Ordinary Mind Zendo Finland is committed to maintaining security to the best of its ability. In addition, all persons entitled to use the register are bound by professional secrecy.

10. Right of Inspection

A person entered in the register may check what information about him or her has been entered in the register of members of the association or that there is no information about him or her in the register. A request for verification of information must be submitted in writing to the board of the association.

The request for inspection can also be made electronically using the form available on the association's website (link 2 Request for Verification).

11. Correcting Registry Information

The controller shall, without undue delay or on their own initiative or at the request of the data subject correct, delete or supplement personal data in the register which are incorrect, unnecessary, incomplete or out of date for the purpose of processing.

The registrar is obliged to keep the accounting material for a specified period of time (ten years) in accordance with the Accounting Act (Chapter 2, Section 10). Therefore, accounting material cannot be deleted before the deadline.

12. Changes to the Privacy Statement

If necessary, changes can be made to the data protection statement, for example when legislation changes. The latest revision date for this General Data Privacy Statement is set out at the beginning of this statement.

You can also contact the Finnish Data Protection Authority:

Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman

Visiting address: Lintulahdenkuja 4, 00530 Helsinki

Postal address: P.O. Box 800, 00531 Helsinki, Finland

E-mail: tietosuoja(at)

Switchboard: +358 (0)29 566 6700


Form Privacy

Request for Verification